The Havok Corporation runs three separate units, each unit is divided for their own combat elements that help us operate as a milsim and as a organization. Below are small descriptions of these units to help potential members get a grasp of what we offer before considering on joining our ranks.


The H.A.V.O.C. also known as the Havok Advanced Vanguard Operations Company is a unit that focuses on Research & Development (Mod Team) and Logistical Warfare (Field Operations).


H.A.D.E.S. Also known as the Havok Advanced Division of Extraction & Support is our mechanized infantry unit, this is where members who enjoy being on the frontlines should be. In the heat of the battle. Here we specialize in one thing; NULLI TESTES.


The H.I.V.E. also known as the Havok Intelligence Vanguard Enforcement is our Intelligence Division for gathering information on operations, missions, and potential objectives along with Infiltration Assets.


Operations here at HAVOC vary.

Depending on the operation, will depend on what needs to be done. When in an operation, the only 3 ways it ends is if we Kill/Capture the HVT, Get Overrun or if our client becomes deceased.


Missions vary throughout the operation. Here are a few different types of missions that can be completed while you are out on the field.

  • Raids
  • Invasions
  • Reconnaissance
  • Infiltration
  • etc


Objectives and Assignments are found on missions, objectives are small missions that lead up to the main mission, for example; taking out SAMs, Gathering Information, Tasking out Outposts, etc.

While assignments are for small teams to engage in so that Objectives or Missions can be completed, and sometimes a promotional events for operators to gain promotions or achieve special roles.


A military operation is a planned and organized effort by a military to achieve a goal. These operations can be combat or non-combat related, and can be used to respond to disasters, humanitarian emergencies, or to resolve a situation. 

Examples of military operations:

Disaster relief

The military can provide assistance in response to natural or technological disasters.  

Humanitarian emergencies

The military can provide assistance in response to complex humanitarian emergencies.  

Combat operations

The military can engage in combat operations to defeat an enemy.  

Non-combat operations

The military can engage in non-combat operations to deter terrorism, protect dignitaries, or secure critical infrastructure  

Characteristics of military operations

  • Military operations are highly organized and involve many people.  
  • Military operations are often planned in advance and involve several subtasks.  
  • Military operations can be referred to by code names for national security purposes.  
  • Military operations can be closely coordinated with other means, such as diplomacy and the economy. 

HAVOC Operations with Lore

Our operations come with different types of backstories which give operators the lore in which they need to understand their deployment and briefings more clearly. An operation in the HC can last as little as a few days to three months maximum. So depending on the intel that we have that matches the lore will determine on what happens in briefings before a deployment occurs.



Deployment Type

The HC has been contacted by a potential client that calls himself "Raven", and he claims to have an opportunity where we can make half a million an hour and maybe even benefit even more if we complete this operation he has for us. We have been hired to head to a remote island known as Worthy Islands, where we are to head to a rich guys mansion, where he will provide us great pay for what little manpower he is asking of us. Deployment Type: A
# of Pers: 40
Location: WI-X42
# of Pers Needed: 30 Operators and 10 Agents
Assets Disbursed: 3 Mi-24V & 1 Havoc
Est Time of Dep: 100 HRS
I own a mansion on the top of a cliff, I will send you the coordinates if you accept my terms, I need to find out what this other PMC is doing in the old Soviet Nuclear Bunker, because it is preventing me on my historical research and civilians are dying when they get near and the United States won't assist. He is asking for a total of 40 manpower, that is 30 contractors and 10 agents for military and security purposes and may pay more if needed.
Will You help ?

Client Name: Raven
Operation Name: Operation Havoc
Map: Worthy Islands
# of Pers Needed: 30 Operators and 10 Agents
Assets: N/A, Find own assets
Payment Type: $500K per hour + Anything you find in the Operation
Our mission if we choose to accept it is to rally up with him, provide recon on another PMC who is killing civilians, who have captured an old nuclear soviet bunker and is developing what looks like advanced technology. Furthermore, his main interest in the history of the structure which he can't get too because of the KOS that is happening when he or anyone gets near it and the United States doesn't want to get involved.

Ops vs Deployments

An operation is a Deployment, our operations can be lengthy and depending on how long the op takes, depends on how long it takes us to complete it. But a deployment is the amount of contractors or agents or both that we send to complete it, so if we died in a mission, whatever we go in with, that acts as a ticket system. So if we go in with 30 contractors and 10 agents, and an operator dies in a mission, then we have 29 contractors remaining and 10 agents. When those numbers hit 5 or less, it is only considered a Operation Failure if everyone is KIA or the UC calls a Article 4 "Retreat Order".

Now depending how long a operation takes means how long your R7R will be [Rest and Relaxation]. Meaning if you want to take a break from Ops, Missions,etc, you will get the ability to do so if your UC agrees with it. SO lets say a operation took 5 months and you put in for some R&R and the Unit Commander signs off on it, you could take 2-20 weeks off from the milsim and come back when you return or if a Article 1 is called "Red Alert".

All deployments come with different types of benefits for our members.

Benefits like:

  • Gift Cards
  • Time Off
  • Rest & Relaxation
  • Much, much, more


Regardless of the activity on our servers for whatever the operation is, our commanders must maintain the upkeep of the server, what this means is the Game Masters, get together and play a game of RTS with the NPC's, expanding territory, taking land that former field missions have taken, but the more inactive the unit is, means that the more ground the enemy can take, including home base. If home base is taken, then a bivouac is created, giving operators a chance to take back what was lost.

So just remember when you are on the field, it is imperative to get your squadron online to maintain the operation, if we go weeks without playing, that could implicate operational status, capture of superiors or soldiers, and even equal a complete operational failure. So if your in an operation for 4 months, and this month no one gets online at all, that could mean that 4 months was for nothing, and it becomes a operational failure which is later added to your rap sheet.

Regardless if squadrons are online or not; THE GAME CONTINUES WITH/WITHOUT YOU!