Regardless of the activity on our servers for whatever the operation is, our commanders must maintain the upkeep of the server, what this means is the Game Masters, get together and play a game of RTS with the NPC's, expanding territory, taking land that former field missions have taken, but the more inactive the unit is, means that the more ground the enemy can take, including home base. If home base is taken, then a bivouac is created, giving operators a chance to take back what was lost.
So just remember when you are on the field, it is imperative to get your squadron online to maintain the operation, if we go weeks without playing, that could implicate operational status, capture of superiors or soldiers, and even equal a complete operational failure. So if your in an operation for 4 months, and this month no one gets online at all, that could mean that 4 months was for nothing, and it becomes a operational failure which is later added to your rap sheet.
Regardless if squadrons are online or not; THE GAME CONTINUES WITH/WITHOUT YOU!