Technical Operations

Technical Operations is mainly for the H.I.V.E. UnitThey are our research and development unit that focuses mainly on mod support, scenario and mission support along with field logistics for whatever Havoc needs in the field. Here are a few things that we focus on.

  • Mod Support
  • Server Support
  • Operations, Missions and Scenario Support
  • Game Master
  • Video surveillance, control and access control;
  • Security alarm system;
  • Special Equipment/Uniforms
  • Arsenal Protection
  • PMC, PSC, PMSC Creations

Being apart of the Operations Division means that you are about of the Mod and Scenario Support team. This means that one section of the team will be focused primarily on new Gear, Uniforms, Assets and more, while the other half will be focused primarily on Scenarios, Coop Missions, Etc.

Logistics is the place to be, every unit needs one to maintain the flow of traffic. From Arsenal to Materials, this is the place to be. TO better serve our bases, outposts and checkpoints, we needs a logistics team to always be on the go to maintain the flow of traffic.