Welcome to the guidebook for all operators and new candidates of the Havok Corporation. This guidebook will take you through all the policies that we have currently. As you stay with us, be sure to keep an eye on your discord notifications, along with your website notifications, as it will be your responsibility to stay up to date with any current or future updates to the HCP also known as the Havok Corp Policies.
CHAPTER I: Getting Started
To get started on joining you will need to first read the entirety of the website to get an understanding on who we are, what we are about and what we do, along with what jobs, responsibilities and duties that we offer inside of outside of the unit.
1.1: How To Join the Ranks
In this order is how you will be able to join our ranks:
- Read the website
- Put in an application and accept the policies
- Complete orientation after joining the discord
- Attend and complete your D.E.T. within 7 days of completing orientation/application
- Complete probation; within the following 4 weeks of your D.E.T. completion, attend the following to complete your training in full
- Show up to 1 Squad Meeting
- Show up to at least 2 Squad Drills
- Show up to at least 1 joint operational battle drill/training
- Attend 4 missions with your squadron
- Complete all Squadron Training & receive your HC Operator Certificate
Once you have completed the above steps, You will receive your first accommodation, welcome package and added to the graduation wall on the Discord and Website.
CHAPTER II: Member Rules
2.1: Candidate Rules
When you are a candidate, you have a select few rules that you are required to follow, these rules stick with everyone as more rules will be added to your chart to keep you and your superiors in line and in check. You are embarking in a mercenary group, which means that Geneva no longer applies to you, but with that said, that doesn't mean that we don't have our own set of rules that we don't consider criminal.
Breaking these rules as a candidate, will get you removed on the first offense, where unit rules are more in-depth when it comes into the Unit Crimes, which you will be able to find in this chapter under 2.3: Unit Crimes.
Here are the Candidate Rules on which you must follow for the remainder of the time you are a Candidate:
- You must remain active in the discord
- Communicate with other personnel and candidates
- Post Memes
- Stay active and productive whenever you can
- You must remain active on the website
- Command and Recruitment can tell when your online on the website, and how long you were on for
- Stay up to date with the Forums, Notifications, Operations, Missions, Assignments and Policies
- Bringing drama in to the unit, you will receive a permanent strike
- Brining drama in to the unit a second time is a ban
- In the field you are required to play the game immersively (Realistically)
- Trick-Shotting = BAN
- Playing extremely competitive, "RB6, COD, Battlefield, Etc" = BAN
- Follow orders, cover sectors, stay with your team = Accommodations, Promotion Opportunities and other benefits
- During D.E.T. be sure to ask any questions or concerns that you may have for the scenario, mission, assignment or course.
- Read Havok Corp Policies
- At least 13 yrs of age
- Fluent verbal and written communication in English.
- Must NOT be a member of any other MilSim unit, or community that would prevent you from attending official unit events or be in conflict with one of our Training times.
- Use a realistic name that can be utilized easily in combat and is indistinguishable from a real name.
- Ability to attend at least 60% or more of our mandatory events. These consist of:
- Squad Drills; Every Saturday @ 1700 EST/EDT
- FTX; Every Sunday @ 1600 EST/EDT
- Ceremony; Every first Saturday of the month @ 1500 EST/EDT
- Operations are long lasting, but you can make at least one full Mission which is every Friday at 1800 EST/EDT
As long as you follow these 5 rules, you will be fine. Do the exact opposite, during your entire candidacy and you won't be here long.
NOTE: These rules follow you even after you become a Havok-Corp Operator [HCO]
2.2: Unit Rules
Being apart of a unit means that you are apart of a brotherhood that looks out for one another. Regardless of who is in command, you are required to follow their orders without question; you are not apart of NATO, CSTO or the AESTO anymore, so rules of leadership have drastically changed with only some similarities.
The rules listed here will hopefully keep you in check, follow them and you will one day lead your own unit and later you will learn to even have the opportunity to maybe even become the next Unit Commander of your own Division or even the leader of the Havok Corporation itself.
The Following are the rules for all Units to Follow on-top of their own Squadron Rules
- All units are required to have a Squadron Nickname "Reaper, Grizzly, etc"
- All units are required to have nicknames for each individual apart of their squadron
- All units are required to NOT have a separate section name for their own squadron "Grizzly 1-1, Grizzly 2-2, etc" for radio communications
- Each unit on the radio is open for all personnel in leadership; if a leader dies in the line of duty, it is the next senior operator who is responsible to take the lead using the radio they have on their persons.
2.3: Unit Crimes
Like the Geneva Convention, which was originally designed to keep our humanity in check, it has also caused more lives for those who spend their lifespan learning how to stay alive and watch their comrades be slaughtered because command has a stick up their ass. In the Havok Corporation, we have a very select few crimes that you will be executed and banned for.
These are the Unit Crimes that will get you Executed & Banned For:
- Intentionally trying to kill a team mate
- Unless you are a CO killing a subordinate for disobeying orders, intentionally flagging a comrade (Shining a flashlight or laser on them), then it can not be done.
- If you die to friendly fire, and return to execute them, you will be banned. (Friendly fire is permitted to an extent)
- Friendly Fire is permitted to an extent, that extent is if your comrade is in your line of sight and you cant engage the enemy, you are permitted to shoot through them if you can't find a work-around.
- If your comrade returns to kill you for shooting through them, the revenger will be banned for this action, as every Mission you only get ONE LIFE and you shouldn't be returning, even if you return if a base is conquered through that mission or the following day. No act of violence can be remembered after your death. THIS IS ENFORCED !
- Assets must be secured
- If you are in an armored vehicle and you need an out because you are about to be destroyed, you best be sure you or an allied squadron is nearby to destroy that asset. "If an enemy takes the asset, you will be executed and banned"
- If you are a troop in a transport helicopter or plane, and you see a helicopter or plane going down, you may not jump out and attempt to steal, it may be a game and it may be possible, but this is unrealistic and you will be banned if you are caught doing this.
- If you are not certified to fly, use an armored vehicle or naval asset, you may not ever use them unless your CO issues the order. If a CO issues the order, be sure to record him/her saying it and have witnesses as well, otherwise you will be excommunicated.
- We do not pillage villages, towns or invade counties, even if a client says we can. The killing of civilians is permitted, if they are found within a classified base of operations, are captured and interrogated or if they are within the Hot Zone.
Other than the crimes above, you must do what you need to do to complete your missions, objectives and the operation as a hole.
CHAPTER III: Operator Status
3.1: Active Operator Status
As an operator you have already received your HCO Certificate and have been welcomed on board as a full-fledged operator. At this point you have received your welcome package and all. So now at this stage you are now to carry out your status as an active member.
What this means is you are responsible to maintain your activity level remain as a valued asset, failure to remain valuable means that you will be forced to transfer into another unit, or be marked as AWOL which is an Execution Status. The bonus of being in the AWOL Status as a HCO is you get to explain yourself when you return. If Command feels that your reasoning is acceptable, you will be able to return to duty; either with your new Squadron, a New Squadron or depending on your experience your own Squadron. If Command feels your reasoning to be unacceptable you will be executed and banned.
To remain in a Active Operator Status [AOS], be sure to do the following:
- When you get your work or school schedule, send it to your First Line Supervisor and your Squadron Commander
- This will ensure that we know when you are actively going to be free.
- There are weekly events you will need to be able to make, so if you work a 1st, 2nd or 3rd shift or even graveyard and you can't make an event, you need to be able to tell your 1st-line supervisor at all times to stay positive.
- This also includes if you are pulling any overtime. Same goes for people in School/College who are in the military cadet programs or sports.
- If you have kids, just let your first line supervisor know why you can't make it, you will never be put on bad status if it involves your children or family. FAMILY FIRST. But like working and schooling, your First-line supervisor needs to know your status. So if your youngster is sick just say "Hey sarge, I can't be on this week my daughter has the flu" boom just like that you will be added to sick-leave and when your ready to return, let your first line supervisor know and you will be all set.
- If you are joining the military/law enforcement/ems or fire department and want to remain a member, you are able too.
- You will be put on Service Training; which mean that you are in the military and are in training and are waiting to return. Once you return, you can give us a status update which will allow us to communicate with you to see where we can place you if not able to keep you in the same place.
- Now in the event that you want to leave the unit, you will be able to return at a later date, but you will need to restart sadly, unless you hold a Advisor Role or higher or have a Paladin or Sentinel status.
- If you are currently serving in the service, there are no benefits for you, this unit doesn't give special roles to anyone like that, everything has to be earned from the bottom. You can help your squadron become better with your knowledge, but that is it, no CO can give you a role nor can then speed promote you. Every promotion that is recommended has to be approved by command first before an opportunity is given to the person in question.
By being in any service, the only benefits you have are the ones you provide with your knowledge for the squadrons you are apart of, aside from that be sure to maintain your AOS.
CHAPTER IV: Roles & Careers
4.1: Roles
The roles are important for it is what helps members and command understand your value to the organization. Some roles will help you receive special commendations and get privledges to help the unit along with yourself grow.
Here are those roles in question
- Sentinel; is a top role that you earn only by the CEO of the organization. As a Sentinel you can conduct your own operations, missions, assignments and objectives, however must also be approved by the CEO, the only time it doesn't have to be approved is if you feel as Sentinel that the Havok Corporation is under attack or is under suspicion of an insider or a potential threat, rather in game or out of game.
- If you suspect anything and you feel that you need to go dark, you may do so and when you find out the information needed, you must report it to the CEO immediately for quick action.
- Sentinels can be held by any official rank, Contractor through Unit Commander, but does not give you power over any Squadrons or members.
- Paladin; is the second top role that you can earn by the CEO or the Unit Commander.
- Paladins are distinguished for their effort of time put in, knowing the policies inside and out and helping the men in the field on/off duty become their ultimate best.
- Paladins are earned in merit and within the community praising the operator all the time, this role like any role or rank can never be requested.
- Paladins, like Sentinels can achieve commendations, benefits and even financial benefits. As a paladin you will be held to the highest standard and don't need to hold a High Ranking position to hold this role
4.3: Careers
Each career holds its own individual merit. Depending on how well you conduct your role within that career, will all determine on how many merits you earn for that career. Merits are earned by the success of what you practice and do within that specialized career. So in order for you to earn a specialty status in your charts or to hold a promotional opportunity, be sure to hold yourself to the highest regard and earn those merits, so that you can earn promotional opportunities.
CHAPTER V: Squadrons
In NATO, CSTO and the AESTO organizational conventional forces you have elements, squads, sections, platoons, companies, divisions and much much more.
In Private Military, Security & Mercenary Companies/Units, you have similar things, such as the following:
Private Military & Security Organizations:
- Units
- Sections
- Squadrons
- Elements
Mercenary Organizations:
- Squadrons
- Elements
In the private sector world, things change all the time, so with the Havok Corporation, our policies are to follow the way Private Military & Security Organizations do things. These policies are as follows;
Squadron Policies
5.1: Squadron Creation
To create a squadron you need to be with the Havok Corporation for at least six months first and hold the rank of Advisor "Sergeant", this will give you a trial team to see if you are capable of leading a team, including all the responsibilities that come with it. If you can, then command will provide you with the ability to gain access to the recruitment section, so recruiters can start recruiting, drilling and placing new potential candidates to see how you do with more personnel under your wing.
- When you first get a squadron, you will get between two to three squadron commanders underneath you, this is so that they can evaluate you to see how you do in your first 24 hours.
- After your first 24 hours, if the SC's believe that you have potential, a letter of recommendation will be sent out so that you can get the opportunity to get two to three candidates that will later form your squadron in time, along with a list of responsibilities that follow with it.
- As your squadron grows, you will eventually achieve the rank of Squadron Commander, even if you have the max of eight men, it doesn't mean you are a squadron commander; that rank has to be earned based on what you do with those squadron responsibilities.
5.2: Squadron Leadership
To lead a team you need to complete a HCC also known as a Havok Commander Course or be recommended by a Unit Commander, Squadron Commander & an Advisor from the unit/squadron you are currently serving with.
Havok Commander Course
- The HCC goes over important elements that will help you succeed in leading a squadron here within the Havok Corporation.
- Commanding a squadron, while following the responsibilities and commands that Command wants us to follow.
- Leading a squadron on and off the field.
- Maintaining our squadrons; so that they don't get disbanded.
- Other courses will also follow as (optional), but if taken those merits do get added to your file so that you can achieve greatness in leading squadrons, if you deny these options, you forfeit those bonuses and can never go for them again, as they are only offered once per squadron commander candidacy.
- So if you are demoted, and you return to the HCC, this (optional) course, will not be offered again.
5.3: Squadrons
Squadrons vary in size, based on your element. An element is a special role that you partake as a squadron within the Unit you serve. For the example, in the H.A.D.E.S. Unit, you have Recon and Mechanized Infantry within your "specialty roles". This gives the Unit Commander the ability to create sections within their unit so that they can create special elements to form specific squadrons.
How It Works
- When a section is created; a Element is placed in that section to give the Unit Commander and Squadron Commander(s) the ability to know what is being lead in that section.
- Recon Element becomes the Reconnaissance Section
- Mechanized Contractors become the SALE Section
- When the Reconnaissance Section is formed, this gives our contractors the ability to roleplay as the enemy and partake in missions within an operations to gain information.
- This also includes the ability for an overwatch team "no snipers" but a team that is specialized in overwatching other Squadrons and Sections providing them with the support they need.
- When the Mechanized Section is formed, this gives our contractors the ability of SALE which also means;
- Sea Support "Naval Warships either found, commandeered or Made"
- Artillery Support "Armored Vehicles, Howitzers, Mortars, Etc"
- Land Support "Logistics, Medical and Quick Reaction Forces"
- Enforcement Support "Frontline Combat Squadrons"
CHAPTER VI: Recruitment & Drills
4.1: Recruitment
Havok Corporation only permits a maximum of five recruiters per unit, this gives Command the ability to find and point the finger at whoever permitted an insider from entering our discord, since you can not join through our website and it has to be handed out to potential candidates physically, allowing command to re-trace the footprint to the person who recruited the insider.
Recruiting new members is important for the HC, and it is imperative to understand the recruitment policy on Article 4 of Recruitment, which only Recruiters and Command get access too.
In the event that a recruiter shares these classified documents with anyone within the unit or outside of the unit, the person it was shared with; will have to sign a HNDA and the recruiter that shared the information will be banned.
4.2: Drills
Drill Instructors serve within the Delayed Entry Training Academy; their main purpose is to ensure that all candidates are going through the courses that all candidates are required to go through.
The DETA has other courses that operators can take at anytime, giving them opportunities to enhance their skill sets as operators and provide them with certifications that qualify them for anything they come across within the field, such as:
- Close Protection
- High Risk Protection
- Individual Courses
- Military Training
- Paramedical Response
- Tactical Shooting
Within these courses are sections that will give you the ability to learn and grow with the Havok Corporation.
7.1: Command System
Command is the most important part of this guidebook and it is imperative that you understand who you are being lead by before deciding on if you should join the Havok Corporation or its Units.
Members of Command have a very tight schedule of activity, and unlike other military simulation units where members of command still play in the field, Havok
Command are the men and women in the field that remain in a base or are in the Game Master on ArmA Reforger, playing a roll as Commander in Hell Let Loose or doing something imperative on what ever game in includes; but that is only 10% of the time, the additional 90% of the time, members of Command are dealing with the creation of Operations, Paperwork, maintaining the website, documents and other responsibilities that keep this unit afloat.
"An Organization can be lead without proper leadership & a leader can't lead and a organization can't be formed without disciplined personnel"
7.2: Command Structure
The Command Structure of the Havok Corporation was founded by Erebus Reznov who's gamertag on Xbox is Umbra Castus, a former Military & Security Contractor with Constellis (Security) and RSB-Group (Military) and completed his training with the EBSSA.
Within the Command Structure is a hand-selected group of leaders, each leader within the Command team has to have either 1 year of Havok Corporation Leadership or has been hand Selected by Erebus.
If you are not 21 years of age or have some form of Military or Law Enforcement Background and are verified, you most likely will never be in High Command while Erebus is in charge. The only way Erebus permits civilians to be in charge of the future of Havok is if he securely believes that you have some form of Alfa within yourself, meaning you lead like a Wolf and not a Sheep. As bland and corny as that may sound, Havok was created for Alfa Wolves, not cattle.
Thank you for reading the document and your interest in our organization.
We hope to see you join us and thrive here, for you are the future of the Havok Corporation and you may be the next Leader of this Brotherhood. With time comes great responsibility and in the gaming era ever so changing, it is only time that we have and share that will continue to make us one of the few great milsims that you see today.
Nulli Testes - No Witnesses!